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Elegant display of tulips and carnations in a red vase with wax flowers and a variety of greens

Rosey Posey


Rosey Posey from Fenner's Floral is a breathtaking, handcrafted bouquet of tulips and carnations, presented elegantly in a vibrant red vase. Complementing the focal flowers are delicate wax flowers and a variety of lush greens, making it a perfect centerpiece for your valentine. As with all our arrangements, this bouquet is designed to enhance your special moments and create an unforgettable memory for your valentine. Discover the beauty and meticulous artistry that define Fenner's Floral, a trusted Burton, MI florist dedicated to excellence. Experience the joy of gifting or receiving a piece of floral perfection with Rosey Posey.

    - FENNER'S -

    Fenner's Floral and Design Company White F

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    G4071 Saginaw Street, Burton, MI 48529


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